Online Giving
This is a time of year when many of us focus on getting organized and “decluttering” our surroundings – why not streamline your offertory and simplify your support for St. Gertrude and the ministries that mean so much to you? Now is a great time to stop using checks and envelopes, by switching to eGiving – you can sign up from your computer, smartphone or tablet, and set up a recurring donation or make a one-time gift.
Recurring gifts help give our parish a steady, consistent offertory that strengthens the programs, services, and ministries we lead for our church families and for those in need throughout the community. Sign up today by visiting, or text ‘Enroll’ to 516-494-7947 or call Faith Direct customer service at 866-507-8757.
Thank you for your continued support of our parish family.
St. Gertrude's Code: NY83
Recurring gifts help give our parish a steady, consistent offertory that strengthens the programs, services, and ministries we lead for our church families and for those in need throughout the community. Sign up today by visiting, or text ‘Enroll’ to 516-494-7947 or call Faith Direct customer service at 866-507-8757.
Thank you for your continued support of our parish family.
St. Gertrude's Code: NY83
Church Renovation Capital Campaign
As you know our Church is in need of our immediate attention and this campaign will seek to raise $1.5 million to accomplish a significant amount of work that is necessary for it to serve generations of families to come.
Please take time to review the attached materials and consider a generous pledge of support to help us achieve our challenging goals. If you have any questions, please call Andy White (Parish Development) at 516-607-3635 for more information or to inquire about making a pledge.
Thank you and God Bless!
Please take time to review the attached materials and consider a generous pledge of support to help us achieve our challenging goals. If you have any questions, please call Andy White (Parish Development) at 516-607-3635 for more information or to inquire about making a pledge.
Thank you and God Bless!
Catholic Ministries Appeal
Your gifts to the Catholic Ministries Appeal help our Church to bring the light of the Lord to more than 600,000 people a year through programs that feed the hungry, house the disadvantaged, care for our seniors, support our Priests and Deacons in their formation and continue to educate our children as they grow in their faith. Not only does the CMA support wonderful works in the Diocese, it remains a significant source of income for our Parish through rebates. If we meet our goal, then our Parish will receive 20% back. For any amount over our goal, we get back 80%.
Wills & Bequests
Our call as good stewards is to use wisely the gifts God has entrusted to us. Making a will or revising the one you have if you haven't done so in the last five years is good Stewardship. Wills and Bequests have the power to impact future generations.
Please consider a gift to our Parish as well.
Please consider a gift to our Parish as well.
"I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God offerings
which cost me nothing."
- 2 SAMUEL 24:24
When you invest in what matters to God, you strengthen your relationship with Him. Giving helps us to better reflect the character of God. He has given us everything — not even withholding his own Son! God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son.
Our giving makes it possible for people to hear the Good News of God’s love for them.
It also helps us provide, through our ministries, critical care to the poor and those in need.
It also helps us provide, through our ministries, critical care to the poor and those in need.
Membership Envelopes
Call or stop by the Parish Office to become a member.
Alternatively, fill out this form and someone will be in touch!
Alternatively, fill out this form and someone will be in touch!