For anyone who believes they have a Sexual Abuse Claim against an Additional Debtor (parish) arising prior to December 3, 2024, the claim form to submit and related information can be found at under the “Proof of Claim Form” heading. The deadline for filing claims is January 13, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. prevailing Eastern time.
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Gertrude,
I wish all of you a blessed Christmas season and New Year. I hope and pray that you and your families will enjoy a Christmas season filled with joy and good health. Now that our lives have returned to a bit of pre-Covid life, I hope and pray that many of our parishioners who have not been able to be with us may come back and share in our Christmas Masses. I am writing to ask you to please remember St. Gertrude’s Parish as you make your plans for year-end giving. Our revenue is down this year. Even though it was great to be able to celebrate our Parish Feast this summer, the Parish is still financially in need, and I hope St. Gertrude’s can count on your support. This past year we have almost finished our Church Restoration and our Restoration Campaign continues with a few projects yet to be completed. Since last Christmas, the handicap parking at the west parking lot was completed and the east driveway was expanded and newly paved. I hope you have seen all the work that has been done to beatify our Church and make it more accessible to people. Thus I ask, that you please consider making an end-of-year donation to help us offset the costs of future projects and our overall deficit in operating expenses. You can make your donation online by clicking here. Thank you for your kind consideration in this matter. As the year ends, I thank God for the call to serve as your pastor in this wonderful parish and village. May God bless you and your families with peace, joy, and health during 2023. Sincerely yours in Christ, Rev. Msgr. Robert O. Morrissey Pastor Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Gertrude,
A blessed Christmas! I hope and pray that you and your families will enjoy a Christmas season filled with joy and good health. I am filled with hope that we will see our church filled with faithful families this Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. You are most welcome, and your presence helps to build up our community of faith. Please invite friends and family members to join with us at the Eucharist every Sunday. The story of Christmas goes well beyond the birth of the Babe in Bethlehem. It reaches throughout all of history. In speaking of the birth of Christ, the Incarnation, the late Cardinal Avery Dulles, the priest and teacher from Fordham University once put it this way: "The incarnation, the God of the ages taken on our human flesh, our human condition, does not provide us with a ladder by which to escape the ambiguities of life and scale the heights of heaven. Rather it enables us to burrow deep into the heart of life, here on planet earth and find it shimmering with divinity." Once again, this Christmas, God has spoken to us, the Word has become flesh. Let us allow God’s word to sink into our hearts. That’s the promise of Christmas - God’s gift of Himself in Jesus the Savior has filled this world with love, not only on that holy night long ago, but the promise of Christmas is that the gift of Jesus shines forth the presence of God - with - us today, always. Indeed, we can believe, - we can hold tight to the promise, - we can sing – “Joy to the world, the Lord has come.” May I take this opportunity to thank you for your generous support during the year, and your continued generosity at Christmas is most appreciated. As the year ends, may I ask you to consider making an extra gift to St. Gertrude’s. Every effort is appreciated as we face continued rising costs. I thank God for the call to serve as your pastor in this wonderful parish and village. May God bless you and your families with peace, joy, and health during 2024. Yours faithfully in Christ, Rev. Msgr. Robert O. Morrissey Pastor Dear Parishioners:
Permit me to take this opportunity to once again thank all of our parishioners who have supported the St. Gertrude’s Renovation Campaign. We are currently coming to the end of the final year of the four-year pledge period. As you know the parish goal was $1.5 million. To date $1,163,332 has been pledged toward our goal. This amount pledged, hopefully will be realized with the remaining pledges to come in this fall. May I offer the following accounting of the Renovation Funds. In Phase I – the roof was replaced, two additional handicapped bathrooms were constructed, the exterior shingles were cleaned and restained, the exterior trims, window frames and entrances were repainted and repaired. New stain glass triangle windows were placed in the ceiling. In Phase II – the electrical lighting was updated; the pews, kneelers and sanctuary furniture were refurbished and reupholstered. New wood flooring and a new sanctuary rug were installed and the stained-glass windows in the church were repaired. New doors were installed in the three entrances of the church. The handicap parking was expanded, though the size needed to be scaled back due to not reaching the goal. The two driveways were repaved as well as two stone retaining walls built. New pavers were installed around the church. There were also a few unavoidable and unplanned projects that needed to be addressed. The steps, handrail and wall along Bayville Avenue needed to be replaced. A new organ needed to be installed after the old one ceased to function. Drywells, gutters and diverters on either side of the church were needed to be dug and installed to prevent the drainage and flooding problems that have existed for quite some time. A good amount of landscaping has already been accomplished around the church. Future Projects are on my wish list. The sound system and the AC system needs to be evaluated and perhaps renovated or at least updated. Further landscaping could also be looked at. Finally, as anyone who has recently used our church basement knows, it is in need of renovation. These are projects that will be considered for the future. I will continue to work with our Parish Finance Council to see what projects are feasible and how we might move forward. However, the bottom line is what are we able to afford. As we look back, so many good things have been accomplished to repair and beautify our church. I am very grateful of course to all our parishioners and also all of our contractors and workers who accomplished this goal for us. Many of them donated quite a bit of their services or greatly reduced their charges. Without their generosity we would never have been able to accomplish all that we have. I thank them all most sincerely. If we are able to raise more money these future projects may become a reality. I will continue to keep the parish informed as we move forward. Later in the fall we will have an accounting by the Parish Finance Council with a financial report and our budget for the coming year. Even though our Renovation Campaign has been successful, due to Covid and a decrease in Mass attendance our operating expenses continue to increase and our weekly income is not keeping up. This will need to be addressed. Once again, I thank you for your support of our parish and I will continue to serve you to the best of my ability. Sincerely yours in Christ, Rev. Msgr. Robert O. Morrissey Pastor Dear Parishioners,
Pope Francis has called for a Worldwide Church Synod in 2023. The Holy Father wants to hear from the whole Church about what is happening in local parishes. He and the bishops would like to know what individuals think we should all be doing to help make our parishes better. The way he has proposed doing this is a synodal process. Synod means “journeying together” and it involves listening to the Holy Spirit and to each other in order to discern the path we are called to walk together. The synod “is intended to inspire people to dream about the Church we are called to be, to make people’s hopes flourish, to stimulate trust, to bind up wounds, to weave new and deeper relationships, to learn from one another, to build bridges, to enlighten minds, warm hearts, and to restore strength to our hands for our common mission.” Synod Handbook” To live as a synodal Church, parishes are being asked to live, practice and reflect on what living as synodal Church means. This includes three areas of reflection: Communion, Participation and Mission. This is to include: Communion – which is to lead to a conversion to Christ and a commitment to active participation in the mission given by Christ. Participation – which promotes the people of God to talk to one another and listen to one another about questions that matter to them. Mission – our communion exists for a common purpose of mission which flows from the experience of communion to go out to the world. Recently a survey was prepared asking for parish input, reflection and participation The responses to the survey and our Parish Synodal Meeting were gathered and summarized for our Diocese along with the other parishes on Long Island. Together these reflections will be offered to the bishops of our country who in turn will coordinate a response to the Holy Father for the Synod of Bishops who will gather together with the Holy Father in 2023. A summary of our parish responses is listed below. We are grateful for your response and your participation in the life of the Church. Hopefully, this time of reflection will strengthen our commitment to a fuller participation in the life of our Church here in Bayville. Sincerely yours in Christ, Rev. Msgr. Robert O. Morrissey Pastor Synod Meeting Report DRVC – Parish Meetings Church of St. Gertrude, Bayville, NY
1. COMMUNION 1(a) What do you feel unites us most as Roman Catholics? Our respect for, and participation in, the Sacraments – particularly The Eucharist – and our obedience to the Commandments The fact that the Mass is Universal (i.e., the same prayers throughout the world) and a sacred tradition that does not change to conform to the secular world The ability to discover new things about our faith and to develop a connection with Jesus by attending Mass and receiving Him in The Eucharist Sharing our faith experiences (i.e., belief in The Trinity, Jesus’ real presence in The Eucharist, etc.) Our faith in the fact that God is all-loving and forgiving Our belief in sacramentals Our belief and love of God unite us Gathering events (i.e., Hospitality Sunday, the Parish Feast, etc.) 1(b) Does anything in your opinion stand in the way of unity? People not knowing, not understanding, and/or not practicing their faith Conflict between the political world and the social world Clergy who refuse to uphold and/or preach about the Church’s sacred teachings Not enough instruction regarding the reception of, and the true presence of Jesus in, The Eucharist Society has become more secular, and the Church has become more flexible in its expectations from people. Outside activities scheduled for Sundays and other worldly distractions that keep people from attending Mass (i.e., sporting events, activities, etc.) Some are leaving the Catholic Church and attending other Christian churches for various reasons (i.e., they prefer a particular church’s ministries, church leaders, etc.) Those who form their own beliefs lack understanding of the Church’s teaching Not having enough gathering opportunities (i.e., Hospitality Sunday) People being judgmental of others Drop off in Mass attendance. Many who left due to COVID have not returned. Not being as inclusive as we could be Too much emphasis on Church as an Institution 2. PARTICIPATION 2(a) When have you felt most involved in our parish? When serving as a Eucharistic Minister, Lector, Catechist/teaching CCD, Baptism preparation, etc. When teaching, evangelizing, and planning When attending daily Mass and Divine Mercy Holy Hours When participating in parish events (i.e., the Parish Feast, Hospitality Sunday, decorating the church for Christmas and Easter, etc.) When singing at Mass When our children were growing up When we trust He is calling us to be involved When accepting friends/parishioners as vessels 2(b) What could we be doing to help you feel more involved? Nothing. There are many opportunities. It’s up to us to participate. Work to ensure that everyone realizes they have a special role at church irrespective of the size of their responsibility. Have more emphasis on Jesus and His message as set forth in the Gospels Have greeters at the doors of the church. We are visiting God’s home. Welcome people as you would welcome them to your own home. Conduct more outreach to attract the non-involved parishioner. Convey to them that they are relevant to us, that they are missed, and that their well-being is important to their family at St. Gertrude’s. (Spotlight a parishioner on a monthly basis.) Make personal phone calls to each parishioner (from the Pastor or other representative of the parish) just as an introduction and reminder that we are here. Create more small groups (i.e., men’s group, youth group, 20’s-30’s singles groups, etc.). Once involved in a group of like-minded parishioners, people will be more likely to return to Mass. Invest more time in outreach to families, providing opportunities for them to be actively involved in the Mass (i.e., serving as lectors, bringing up the gifts, serving as ushers, etc.) and encouraging them to serve as part of the Family Mass Committee Use the website more as a way to attract people to our Church (and weekly Mass). Provide opportunities for users to write, comment, and/or ask questions (online) or direct them to someone with whom they can communicate directly. Many people have questions, and it is important to open a dialogue with them. Allow others to participate in the ongoing work of the Church (i.e., opening an invitation to decorate the church for holidays to all). This way we would be assured of their attendance not just for the holiday but generally more frequently. When people feel involved and welcomed, they will attend Mass more often. Include music at Mass that everyone knows Allow parishioners to, once again, serve as Eucharistic Ministers 3. MISSION 3(a) What are the ministries you feel are most effective at doing God’s work in our parish? All ministries are effective and play a vital role CCD, Extraordinary Ministers, Family Life Ministry, Finance Committee, Lectors (including youth), RCIA Rosary Guild, St. Vincent DePaul and trained altar servers The ministries that spread the Gospel. We should have Committees for educational seminars and host author/speaker engagements which will bring more people to the Church 3(b) Where might our efforts to evangelize and serve be lacking? In hospitality In providing outreach to (and activities for) the young teenage and college students (i.e., youth nights, pizza parties, snow shoveling job opportunities); 20’s-30’s singles; and young married couples/families (i.e., perhaps “Mommy and Me” groups, etc.) In providing instruction on the doctrines of our faith (esp. difficult issues like abortion) In offering counseling (or information about counseling) to those who have had an abortion In facilitating small prayer groups (which might also attract people who don’t attend Mass) In encouraging more novenas In our education of eighth-grade confirmation students. These students need to be prepared with special class sessions to meet the atheistic challenges to their Catholic faith that they will encounter in High Schools and Colleges. In advertising (online or through print media). Some local churches and synagogues place advertisements in local newspapers inviting people to their services (particularly during holidays). Maybe we could place advertisements as well. The celebration of the Mass needs to be more contemporary, especially the music In encouraging more people to participate 4. What is the one thing you love about St. Gertrude’s Our pastor and the welcoming feeling he conveys, connecting with us personally The beauty of the church and the parishioners it serves The sense of community our small parish provides to connect with the community and each other The welcoming atmosphere and closeness of our parishioners The peaceful feeling I get when I enter the church It’s a small country church. A person can feel lost in a very large parish. 5. What is a dream you have for our parish? That we would grow by winning over the young people, getting them into the fold, and involved in the Church. Unity and support of our new pastor and the Church Continued growth and response to God’s call To see the church filled on Sundays and Holy Days That the Holy Spirit will enlighten us so that we would all grow stronger in our faith That it continues to flourish with a strong foundation of people truly united in the Gospel of Christ That the renovations would be finished while maintaining financial stability for the future 6. Do you have any additional comments you wish to share about any of the questions above related to the larger Synod process or related to the Parish of St. Gertrude? I feel very blessed to be a part of this parish. Msgr. Morrissey and Fr. Gabriel do a wonderful job of celebrating Mass and leading our parish. We need to focus on attracting young adults and young children. I pray for the success of the Synod and that the Church be unified in its vision. Are the Bishops united in their response to abortion and how to deal with people who do not follow the Commandments as they are? Can the Bishops provide instructions as to how you respond to these difficult situations? Would we as a local church be affected by suggestions made by Churches in different parts of the world? We need to make people feel they are important to the Church. Their personal commitments to their parishes, and monetary donations, serve the needs of all. We are still one Church united in our beliefs. People need to understand that their commitment to God is also a commitment to the church at home and at large. We must learn to stand up for the Church and not sit in judgment of the Church’s teachings. Sometimes we spend so much time fundraising for our parishes that we miss the important details. We wouldn’t need to fundraise if our pews were full. Dear Parishioners,
Pope Francis has called for a Worldwide Church Synod in 2023. The Holy Father wants to hear from the whole Church about what is happening in local parishes. He and the bishops would like to know what individuals think we should all be doing to help make our parishes better. The way he has proposed doing this is a synodal process. Synod means “journeying together” and it involves listening to the Holy Spirit and to each other in order to discern the path we are called to walk together. The synod “is intended to inspire people to dream about the Church we are called to be, to make people’s hopes flourish, to stimulate trust, to bind up wounds, to weave new and deeper relationships, to learn from one another, to build bridges, to enlighten minds, warm hearts, and to restore strength to our hands for our common mission.” Synod Handbook” To live as a synodal Church, parishes are being asked to live, practice and reflect on what living as synodal Church means. This includes three areas of reflection: Communion, Participation and Mission. This is to include: Communion – which is to lead to a conversion to Christ and a commitment to active participation in the mission given by Christ. Participation – which promotes the people of God to talk to one another and listen to one another about questions that matter to them. Mission – our communion exists for a common purpose of mission which flows from the experience of communion to go out to the world. Recently a survey was prepared asking for parish input, reflection and participation The responses to the survey and our Parish Synodal Meeting were gathered and summarized for our Diocese along with the other parishes on Long Island. Together these reflections will be offered to the bishops of our country who in turn will coordinate a response to the Holy Father for the Synod of Bishops who will gather together with the Holy Father in 2023. A summary of our parish responses will be made available soon. We are grateful for your response and your participation in the life of the Church. Hopefully, this time of reflection will strengthen your commitment to a fuller participation in the life of our Church here in Bayville. Sincerely yours in Christ, Rev. Msgr. Robert O. Morrissey Pastor Dear Parishioners,
Pope Francis has called for a Worldwide Church Synod in 2023. The Holy Father wants to hear from the whole Church about what is happening in local parishes. He and the bishops would like to know what individuals think we should all be doing to help make our parishes better. The way he has proposed doing this is a synodal process. Synod means “journeying together” and it involves listening to the Holy Spirit and to each other in order to discern the path we are called to walk together. The synod “is intended to inspire people to dream about the Church we are called to be, to make people’s hopes flourish, to stimulate trust, to bind up wounds, to weave new and deeper relationships, to learn from one another, to build bridges, to enlighten minds, warm hearts, and to restore strength to our hands for our common mission.” Synod Handbook To live as a synodal Church, parishes are being asked to live, practice and reflect on what living as a synodal Church means. This includes three areas of reflection: Communion, Participation and Mission. This is to include: Communion – which is to lead to a conversion to Christ and a commitment to active participation in the mission given by Christ. Participation – which promotes the people of God to talk to one another and listen to one another about questions that matter to them. Mission – our communion exists for a common purpose of mission which flows from the experience of communion to go out to the world. Seeking your input and reflection, a survey has been prepared asking for your participation. Click here to complete the Saint Gertrude Parish Synod Sunday Questionnaire. The responses to the survey will be gathered and summarized for our Diocese along with the other parishes on Long Island. Together these reflections will be offered to the bishops of our country who in turn will coordinate a response to the Holy Father for the Synod of Bishops who will gather together with the Holy Father in 2023. I invite you also to participate in the world-wide synodal process by joining us for an afternoon session of prayer, reflection and discussion on Sunday afternoon, May 22, 2022 at 1:00 PM in the church. If you choose not to answer the survey at this time, below are the set of questions that you are asked to reflect upon and offer your response. Please bring your briefly written responses to our afternoon session for discussion. We are grateful for your response and your participation in the life of the Church. Hopefully this time of reflection will strengthen your commitment to a fuller participation in the life of our Church here in Bayville. Sincerely yours in Christ, Rev. Msgr. Robert O. Morrissey Pastor by Jason Lewis Research shows that attending church every week boosts your immunity and lowers blood pressure. Going to church has also been linked to increasing one’s life span by up to 33 percent. A study of cancer patients who regularly attended church showed a better response to treatment and kept living a relatively normal life despite the diagnosis. At St. Gertrude’s Catholic Church, we welcome attendees from all walks of life, but we have a special place in our hearts for seniors. Here, we offer several reasons why attending church improves the health of older adults
Christianity advocates for a healthy lifestyle Certainly, some churchgoers struggle with unhealthy behaviors. However, on average, people who attend church regularly drink less, unlikely to engage in promiscuous behavior or consume recreational drugs. In the face of sickness, Christians are encouraged to keep doing their part in sustaining their health even as they rely on God for healing. Going to church provides seniors an opportunity to get active. Even simple activities such as standing, clapping and lifting hands in praise and worship can have a beneficial impact on seniors who are minimally active. Additionally, senior churchgoers can meet up for workout sessions through the SilverSneakers program. SilverSneakers, which is offered by many Medicare Advantage plans and through some churches, allows seniors to use participating fitness facilities without any additional fees. Churches promote mental health by offering social support to older members Isolation is the leading cause of depression and suicide among seniors. Many older adults spend their days alone with no one to interact with. Isolation leads to chronic loneliness, which is a risk factor for numerous mental health diseases including depression, being suicidal and anxiety disorders among others. Churches form communities of people who look out for each other. Frequently going to church enables seniors to meet and foster supportive relationships with other churchgoers. These friendships go beyond the church environment to visiting each other and doing activities together. In times of need, church members come together to support one of their own. The social support offers seniors a sense of belonging. Joining Bible studies and prayer groups provide them with something to look forward to and reduce periods of isolation. Christianity promotes a positive outlook High stress levels and low coping abilities are another common cause of mental health illnesses. Attending service, worshipping, prayer and fellowshipping with other people offer a burdened and stressed person respite through seeking support, guidance, and relief from a higher power. As a result, churchgoers report lower stress levels, greater problem-solving ability and improved resilience. Christianity emphasizes the need to live life from a joyful place. When going through tough times, your faith in Jesus and a verse from the Bible will encourage you to hold on, and you can count on your church community to provide plenty of support. This support and reverence promote a positive outlook, leading to a more happier, fulfilling life. Technology has revolutionized many areas of our lives, and the church has not been left behind. Churches are now able to reach a wider audience through live broadcast and televangelism. Therefore, even elderly people who have limited mobility can still enjoy the benefits of attending church from the comfort of their homes. Photo credit: Pexels |
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